The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, together with other government agencies, continues to take the necessary measures to once again expose the aggressive nature of the Republic of Armenia in the international arena. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan reported. As a continuation of these measures, the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan provides for the participation of Vladimir Vartanov, a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, and others of other nationalities living outside the Republic of Armenia under the name "VoMa" ("Voxj Mnalu Arvest"). The Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office conducted an investigation on the basis of materials received from the State Security Service on the creation of unarmed armed groups, training of members of the group for terrorist purposes, committing terrorist acts in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
According to the investigation, in order to commit terrorist acts against the Republic of Azerbaijan and its citizens, Vladimir Vartanov and others established a paramilitary organization called VoMa in the territory of the Republic of Armenia in 2014 and used Internet resources to harass Armenian citizens of foreign origin, as well as Asala and PKK. and members of other terrorist organizations were recruited as members of the VoMA and organized their participation in military exercises. Also, the above-mentioned persons entered the city of Khankendi and other occupied settlements illegally crossing the internationally recognized state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan without certain documents and outside the checkpoints of the state border, ie through the territory of Armenia, operating under the name "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic". In order to support the illegal regime, it has been determined that the political-military regime of Armenia uses it as a mercenary against the civilians of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the armed forces carrying out anti-terrorist operations. In addition, the members of the organization used ammunition and military equipment to open fire and commit numerous crimes against civilians not participating in military operations in different regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan due to special cruelty and general danger, national hostility, as well as terrorism.
They were found to have committed explosions, fires or other acts threatening to have socially dangerous consequences, as well as to take part in terrorist activities against the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan by threatening to commit such acts for such purposes. In connection with the fact, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan violated Article 100.2 (conduct of aggressive war), 120.2.1 (premeditated murder by a criminal organization), 279.3 (creation of armed groups not provided by law), 318.2 (state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan). A criminal case has been launched under the articles "illegal crossing" and other articles, and the investigation has been entrusted to the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office. Since the involvement of mercenaries and terrorists in the occupying army of the Republic of Armenia, which has supported terrorism at the state level and made terrorism one of the main tools of its aggressive policy, contradicts international law, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan ensures
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