Qadin.NET / Quick Flu Cure in 4 Steps

Quick Flu Cure in 4 Steps

Take a rest
Influenza is caused by the virus called influenza, It is a contagious viral infection with symptoms such as fever, weakness, severe muscle and joint pain, chills, headache and dry cough. If you have these symptoms, the first thing you should do is to ensure your comfort in your environment. In order to reduce the symptoms of flu, stay in a warm and comfortable environment, stay away from heavy physical activities and rest. If possible, sleep to strengthen your defense system.

Drink plenty of fluids
Drink plenty of water to replace the liquid lost during the fire. Drink at least 6-7 glasses of fluids a day to soften the mucus, provide drainage, and regain fluid. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Alcohol and coffee can cause dehydration. You can also consume herbal teas such as linden, rosehip, jasmine and chamomile for liquid gain.

Consume Foods That Are Good for Flu

Since vitamin C strengthens the body's defense system, soups consisting of fruit and vegetable mixtures, especially citrus fruits, should be consumed. It is especially recommended to consume vegetable soups made with chicken broth. Foods that are good for flu are briefly as follows: Boiled fish, chicken broth, freshly squeezed fruit juices, chicken and vegetable soups, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon tea, ginger tea, rosehip tea, sage, chamomile tea, apricot, mango, kiwi.

Ventilate Your Environment
Microbes hang in still air. Try to humidify the room or space you are in. You can create a change in the moisture balance of the room by placing a wet cloth on the heater. If the symptoms are severe despite all the precautions and actions taken, if your recovery is getting worse and your fever does not decrease, be sure to consult a physician.

15 September 2020