Can I lose weight in a short time?
The question of whether I can lose weight in a short time is one of the most frequently encountered questions by dieticians. Dieticians' attitudes towards this question are quite clear. They believe that the weight lost as a result of unhealthy and rapid weight loss will be quickly recovered. Therefore, you should not try to lose your excess weight in a short period of time. Otherwise, you may face various health problems.
What should be the ideal weight loss?
Another question frequently asked to dieticians is the question of what should be the ideal weight loss. The World Health Organization underlines that healthy weight loss should be between 0.5-1 kg per week. At this point, it is also possible for people with obesity to lose weight faster. In addition, weight loss of 6 kg or more per month causes some health problems.
Can we lose weight faster if we do not consume bread?
One of our taboos associated with overweight is consuming bread. Remember that you should include bread in your diet in order to lose a healthy weight and not to regain weight. You can control your appetite and prevent sweet cravings by consuming 1-2 whole grain bread with each meal.