Qadin.NET / Why do we lose focus in prayer?

Why do we lose focus in prayer?

One of the most painful issues for us Muslims is not being able to concentrate on prayer. Ayatollah Javadi Amuli writes in his book, The Stages of Morality in the Qur'an:
"Sometimes a person prays according to the Shari'ah, that is, he observes the obligations and mustahabs of prayer and ablution, but he does not have the presence of the heart. Such prayers are not invalid in jurisprudence, but morally ineffective." It is very difficult to ensure the presence of the heart in prayer. Although each prayer lasts only a few minutes, the one who prays cannot control himself at this time. If a person could control himself in those few minutes, he would have other things to do. However, because he does not have the presence of the heart for a few minutes, other things will fail. " The scholar said:
"Prayer is Sirat, and Sirat cannot be together with negligence, because if a person is negligent, he can fall from Sirat." Ayatollah Javadi Amuli also says: "Proper prayer protects a person from ugliness, and the ugly deeds of a person prevent him from praying. Whoever does not control his limbs and does not observe halal and haram will not have the presence of the heart in prayer. He will not know with whom he is talking. He cannot understand the answers he hears from her. Although such a prayer is perfect in jurisprudence, it is morally ineffective. " Therefore, we can say that true prayer is one that can keep a person away from sin.
Thanks to this prayer, a person avoids ugly deeds. In order to have true prayer, one needs the presence of the heart. Whoever has a heart in prayer, his other deeds will also take place. On the contrary, such a prayer has no moral effect if it does not have the presence of the heart. Although it looks right on the outside, it has no effect on the inside. Therefore, a person should try to control his limbs and not neglect to talk to Kim in prayer. He should pay attention to what he eats and not mix halal with haram
22 December 2020