Qadin.NET / Characteristics of God's beloved people

Characteristics of God's beloved people

"The servants of the All-Merciful are those who walk in the land in peace and humility, and say, 'Peace,' when the ignorant address them." ("Furqan" 63).

In this blessed verse, Almighty Allah reveals the attributes of His special servants and praises them. God has revealed to us two important attributes of these people.

1. They do not walk proudly on earth. God's special servants are those who refrain from arrogance and conceit. They walk modestly on earth. Humility is one of the hallmarks of true believers. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The best people in servitude are those who humble themselves when they are great."

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) says in another place: "Humility increases a person's exaltation. Therefore, humble yourself so that Allah may exalt you."

2. They treat others well. Another characteristic of God's special servants is that they treat others well. When they are met with ignorance, they do not behave like them. On the contrary, they treat them the best they can. (To the house)

There are other characteristics of these people that we should get acquainted with:

1. They have a special time to communicate with God. "And those who make the night to stand before their Lord, and the day to stand." ("Furqan" 64).

2. They are the ones who spend, but they do not waste. "And those who, when they spend (in the way of Allah), do not go to extremes, nor do they go to extremes, - their deeds are fair and just between the two paths." ("Furqan" 67).

3. They are obedient to God. "And those who do not call upon another god with Allah, and do not kill the soul which Allah has made honorable and inviolable, except for the truth, and they do not commit adultery. And whoever does that, he will have a severe punishment. will face. " ("Furqan" 68).

21 September 2020