Qadin.NET / 3 level of thanksgiving

3 level of thanksgiving

Gratitude means to give thanks in return for the blessings and blessings that befall a person. According to moral scholars, there are three levels of gratitude: knowledge, deeds, and deeds.

Science causes a situation, and a situation causes an action.

Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.

On the first floor, three things must be clear in science:

1. The blessing itself and how.

2. Acquiring knowledge against the giver of blessings.

3. A place of blessings and bounties.

On the second floor, when a person realizes where the blessing comes from, then there is love and joy for the giver. True gratitude is that a person rejoices and rejoices in the one who gives the blessing, not because of the blessing.

Man feels love for the giver of blessings because he has achieved what he has longed for.

On the third floor, a person observes the resulting joy. This deed manifests itself in the heart, tongue, limbs and body. It leads to purity of intention in the heart, gratitude and appreciation in the tongue, and the enjoyment of that blessing in the body.

For example, the blessing of two eyes is that they do not look at what they see in others and do not reach out to them. "So fear God, that you may be thankful." ("Ali-Imran" 123).

Imam Sadiq (as) said: "Giving thanks for a blessing means refraining from the divine prohibitions and giving thanks perfectly. Alhamdulillah means the word of the Lord of the worlds."

Imam Sadiq (as) said: "Whoever is given the opportunity to give thanks, he will be given more blessings."

Thus, we can say that there are three levels of gratitude: knowledge, action, and deed.

If a person fulfills these three levels, then he will have attained true gratitude. May God bless us with true gratitude.

7 September 2020