Qadin.NET / To overcome laziness ...

To overcome laziness ...

Laziness has become a habit of most people. Sometimes a person decides to do something. However, he has neither the desire nor the energy to do so. There is an opinion that there is no such thing as laziness. We can analyze this idea as follows: a person simply does not want to do this work and he does not have enough motivation to do it. No matter how much you read about it, watch a movie or listen to a lecture, it doesn't affect you. In my opinion, if a job is considered necessary for a person, he will do it even if he is recognized as lazy. For example: eating, going to the toilet, sleeping, etc. whom. It is possible that a person is too lazy to do these things. But necessity will force him to do so. Laziness, lack of enthusiasm, etc. Many tips have been given to avoid such negative faces. We read these tips with pleasure, but we refuse to follow them. I will mention 3 main ways that are more effective in combating laziness. Whoever follows them will see the positive effects after a while.

1. Don't save your work for the second half of the day! Try to get up early in the morning. As the evening progresses, the person's energy is depleted. But at dawn, a person is ready for work. For example, your phone is locked because of debt. Even so, you have been lazy for days and are reluctant to pay your debts. Morning is the ideal time to pay off debt. After dinner, your body's energy will begin to decline, and laziness will surround you more. After lunch, you will fall asleep, you will not have the desire to move, to do something. Therefore, do what you want to do only in the morning - until noon. You can save your secondary work in the afternoon.

2. Sometimes we live aimlessly in life. Hey, we think that at the age of 40-50 we will do something and our dreams will come true. It usually takes more time to complain, but we do not make an effort to resolve those complaints. We let ourselves flow into life. But this is the wrong way. No one has insured us about what will happen tomorrow. Before going to bed at night, plan what you will do tomorrow. Make a few necessary plans. When you get up in the morning, follow your plan. Don't target small things. Choosing a small target shows how small you are. If you follow the daily plan that you have set for yourself, you will feel good in the evening and say to yourself, "Well done!" you will say. Taking such a step is the beginning of the weekly, monthly and annual planning phase.

3. Remember that fear must be overcome. The result should not frighten or distract us. Even if it is not received, we will be reassured that we have fulfilled our duty. Let's look at the people who have achieved great things. They endured a thousand hardships in order to succeed. They worked hard, showed all their strength and aimed at their targets. And we want to achieve something without hard work and suffering. After all, this is an injustice. Can a student who wants to excel but doesn't want to study get an excellent grade? How true is it for him to say, "What kind of life is this? I wanted to be great, but I didn't get it" without any effort, without studying, lying in bed?

So let's not leave today's work for tomorrow. Let's start today. Good luck.

Farid Abdullah

26 July 2020