Qadin.NET / The first Azerbaijani female pilot

The first Azerbaijani female pilot

The first Azerbaijani female pilot
Every nation has prominent women who have left an indelible mark on its history. Centuries pass, but the services of these women are not only forgotten, but also become an example for future generations. There have been many prominent women in the history of the Azerbaijani people. They wrote poems, novels, composed beautiful songs, weaved world-famous carpets, showed heroism in the Great Patriotic War, and even took an active part in state affairs, transcribing their noble and sublime feelings on paper. Azerbaijani women also worked day and night in the rear and helped the front by staying half-eaten. They played an important role in gaining the victory. Along with all types of troops, aviation played a special role in the victory over fascism.

Azerbaijani pilots also have special services in the ranks of these brave hawks. Huseynbala Aliyev, Adil Guliyev, Mazahir Abbasov and female pilots Zuleykha Seyidmammadova, Leyla Mammadbayova, Sona Nuriyeva and others showed courage by participating in air battles. One of the first female pilots in Azerbaijan was Zuleykha Seyidmammadova. He was born on March 22, 1919 in the city of Baku. His father Mirhabib aga received religious education and also studied at a secular university. Mirhabib agha, an accountant, was considered the right hand of the famous philanthropist, Baku millionaire Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. He calculated how much and how he spent Haji's money to the penny, and informed Tagiyev at the end of each month. After the establishment of the Soviet government, the newly formed government confiscated Mirhabib aga's two-storey house on Tatarski (now Alimardan bey Topchubashov) Street and a country house he built in 1915 in Shuvalan. Both Mirhabib aga and his family loved that garden. Most of all, she is a baby, a piece of fire, Mrs. Zuleykha ... Because here a little girl goes out into the open, and sometimes when she sees planes flying over her house, she squeaks flowers. He spread his arms like a plane and circled the yard like a bird. No matter how upset they were by his stubbornness and stubbornness, his parents still trusted him and believed in his future. Ms. Zuleykha was an excellent teacher at school No. 16 where she studied. His parents wanted him to get a higher education and become an oil engineer. But one day ... Zuleykha Habib gizi graduated from Baku Aeroclub in 1935, Azerbaijan Industrial University named after Azizbayov in 1936, and the Air Force Academy named after NY Zhukovsky in 1941. She served as a fighter pilot and deputy commander of a women's fighter regiment during World War II, conducting more than 500 combat flights. The pilots approached the victory by bombing and destroying airfields, army units and equipment in the enemy's areas with non-stop flights. Finally, May 9, 1945, Victory Day! This historic day was celebrated with joy in every Azerbaijani family, as in the whole Soviet country. For his unparalleled services to Zuleykha Seyidmammadova, the Order of Lenin, 2nd degree "Patriotic War", 2 "Red Labor" He was awarded the "Flag" and 2 "Badge of Honor" orders and many medals. In 1946-1952 he held responsible positions in the Komsomol and party committees, in 1952-1975 he was the Minister of Social Security of the Azerbaijan SSR. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the victory over German fascism in the Great Patriotic War. The brave sons and daughters of Azerbaijan also showed courage and sacrificed their lives in achieving this victory. During the leadership of the great personality Heydar Aliyev in Azerbaijan, women were always promoted and worked with honor in responsible positions. National leader Heydar Aliyev's views on women during his presidency in Azerbaijan are the greatest appreciation of their work: "I have traveled around the world and seen women. I think Azerbaijani women are more beautiful than women around the world. This is my true opinion and I advise Azerbaijani men: Appreciate women, love women, you will not find a beautiful woman like an Azerbaijani woman anywhere, in any country, in any nation. "During the rule of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, fighters and families of martyrs were always taken care of. His work has been highly valued, and the solution of his social problems has always been in the center of attention.
This tradition is successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. The chronicle of the courage of every Azerbaijani child, who upholds the honor and dignity of the motherland, is an example for future generations and one of the bright pages of our history. The head of state is taking all necessary measures to pass this heroic baton from generation to generation and make it eternal. There is always a living bridge between war veterans, veterans, families of martyrs and society. Along with the improvement of their social living conditions, their glorious way of life is always a source of propaganda and agitation for the promotion and education of the spirit of patriotism in society. Because the future of each nation is built on its own history. Our heroic women like Zuleykha Seyidmammadova are the key to our glorious past and future victories.

17 July 2020