1. Acribophobia - Fear of not being able to understand the meaning of something read
2. arachibutyrophobia - fear that walnut (or peanut) oil will stick to the soft sky
3. aulophobia - fear of the flute
4. bibliophobia - fear of libraries
5. verbophobia - fear of words
6. Gadiophobia (hierophobia) - fear of shrines and clergy
7. Hydrosophobia - fear of sweating
8. Graphophobia - Fear of handwriting (or seizing writing utensils)
9. Deepnophobia - Fear of talking during lunch
10. Dicephobia - fear of justice
11. dorophobia - fear of receiving or giving a gift
12. Itifallophobia - fear of thinking and observing (performing) about an erect penis
13. Counterphobia - Fear of being scared (or dizzy)
14. Cyberophobia (cyberphobia) - computer fear
15. Khorophobia (horophobia) - fear of dancing
16. Laxophobia - Fear of vegetables
17. medomalacophobia - fear of erection loss
18. Metrophobia - Fear of poetry
19. Myxophobia - fear of sexual intercourse, touching the partner's body
20. Nephophobia - Fear of clouds
21. Nomophobia - Fear of being without a cell phone
22. Nomatophobia - Fear of names
23. Oneirogrophobia - fear of nocturnal ejaculation
24. papaphobia - fear of the pope
25. papyrophobia - fear of paper
26. Penteraphobia - fear of mother-in-law
27. Plutophobia - Fear of getting rich
28. rectophobia - fear of being without a chair
29. stazobasophobia - fear of standing
30. Theatrophobia - Do not be afraid of theaters
31. Uranophobia - Fear of looking at heaven or the sky
32. Philemaphobia - fear of kissing
33. Philophobia - fear of being hit (love)
34. Chrematophobia (chrometophobia) - fear of money
35. Euphobia - Fear of hearing the good news
Farid Abdullah