Qadin.NET / How men choose their wives?

How men choose their wives?

Russian physiologist Yelena Miff has revealed the criteria by which men choose a spouse.

According to, citing, the expert noted that facial features play a greater role than body composition.

"If a girl thinks that she is attracted to a man with a static body structure, she is wrong, the choice is made subconsciously and is based on facial features. Men are more attracted to women who visually resemble their mothers, while women have the opposite situation - they are looking for a spouse with qualities similar to those of their father. Given this, we can say that the character and characteristics of our parents play an important role in choosing a spouse.

The first reaction to the appearance is given by the brain, the structure of the eyes, the shape of the lips, the nose are evaluated. That is, a woman's natural beauty. And this is the first call sent to the subconscious: is this the "He" we are looking for, or not?

It is important to preserve naturalness. The plastic surgeon may change the appearance so that the facial features do not coincide with the character traits. Therefore, be careful in plastic surgery. Of course, beauty requires self-sacrifice, but keep your naturalness so that you don't lose the other half and get her attention from the crowd. Be natural! ” , - said the expert.

10 August 2020