Qadin.NET / Scorpio and Libra compatibility

Scorpio and Libra compatibility

Scorpio, who attracts everyone with his passion, can be a great couple with Libra, who is known for his respect for family and marriage. Scorpio, like all constellations, will affect Libra.
Scorpios are very jealous people. Therefore, Scorpio may not go with the signs of freedom. But Libra attaches great importance to relationships. This relationship can end with the jealousy of Scorpio.
Libra loves everyone around the sign. Therefore, Libra should pay attention to them when dealing with Scorpio. Libra attaches great importance to love and being loved. He loves everyone to be loved. Scorpio will not like this situation. Because Scorpio does not want to share his lover with anyone. Scorpio has a big job to do here.
If Libra shows him the love he needs, Libra will not turn to anyone else. The opposite of both Libra and Scorpio is bad. In this case, the couple's argument can be very heated. Libra people have a natural desire to talk.
In this case, he can call his girlfriend several times during the day. A scorpion can run away from so much love. The couple will need some balance. If both can find a common ground, there is a 60% chance of this relationship.
13 January 2021