Qadin.NET / 5 reasons to end a marriage

5 reasons to end a marriage

Tell a lie
If trust is damaged like any relationship, after a while the spouses become suspicious of each other. It is difficult to repair trust that is difficult to establish but easily broken.

Economic troubles
There may be economic difficulties from the beginning and ongoing, as well as losing your job or bankruptcy during marriage and many negativities such as debts, credit card debts, executions threaten marriages.

Violence, humiliation and criticism
People in marriage want to experience positive emotions. However, the constant criticism, humiliation and the intervention of violence make the marriage a situation on paper, even if there is no divorce.

The fault in deception is not the deceiver but the deceiver. However, the deceived person sees himself inadequate. Forgiving the cheater ensures the continuation of this behavior. After the insecurity begins, the marriage becomes unbearable.

Arguing, on the contrary, creates a stubborn attitude. If people do not express what they want from each other by adding their feelings and openness, the relationship will be blocked.

11 August 2020