Qadin.NET / The effects of life's challenges on us

The effects of life's challenges on us

One day a sad lady comes to her father. Although she was a young, beautiful woman, she still needed her father's wise counsel. He said sadly to his father:

- Father, I'm tired of everything. I have problems both at work and in my personal life. I am no longer strong enough. I can not stand any longer. What am I?
The father hugged his daughter, stroked her head, then looked at her tenderly and stood up and said:
- Wait, I'll show you now.
The father took three pots, lit the gas, filled each with water, and put it on the gas. Then he took a carrot, an egg, and coffee, and placed them in a bowl filled with water. After a while, he turned off the gas. Then he stood outside and said to his daughter:
- My daughter, come closer. See what happened to them?
The girl looked at the dishes. Without much research, he said:
- Atacan, so the carrots and eggs are cooked. The coffee was dissolved in water.
- Thank you, that's right. In fact, if we look closely, we can see that the firm root softened when boiled in water. The egg, on the other hand, hardened when boiled. Their appearance remained the same. But the environment affected them. That is, even if they remain as they are - this problem, which is considered a hostile position like hot water, has changed them. People are like that. Some strong people can be weak and sluggish when faced with difficulties. But there may be people who are so weak that difficulties make them stronger and more resilient.
- Dad, what about coffee? - The girl was surprised and wanted to hear the answer.
- Coffee is the most interesting, my beauty. He changed everything as a solution in such an aggressive environment. So hot water turned into a nice fragrant and delicious drink. There are people whose environment or circumstances cannot change them. They themselves affect this environment. They turn it into something new. At the same time, they both benefit from themselves and are aware of the situation. Now, my clever child, it is up to you who you will be in a difficult situation.

Farid Abdullah

27 August 2020