Qadin.NET / Are you psychologically ready to be a parent?

Are you psychologically ready to be a parent?

1. If you want a child even though you have a child
If you have several children but still want a child with great desire, this is baby addiction. When it comes to new pre-child psychological problems, they immediately come to mind. The main reason for infant addiction may be the person's unhappy childhood and trying to fill this gap with children. We mean, it's not always a good idea to want to have a new child. It is best to deal with such issues with a specialist.

2.Having a baby doesn't save your relationship

67 percent of married couples say their relationship got worse after they had children. This bad trend occurs in the first 6 months for women and in the first 9 months for men after the baby is born. So if you think you can save your marriage by having a baby, this might not be a good idea.

3. Your priority should be your career
A workaholic parent affects not only himself but also his children. Children who grow up in workaholic families are often emotionally neglected and feel invisible. Ultimately, the child feels guilty and their self-esteem declines. Therefore, this situation is included in our topic of “pre-child psychological problems”.

4. You must learn to deal with stress and anxiety.
Parents' negative emotions adversely affect children's development. Experts believe that parents' emotions have a very strong impact on the baby's first year of life. So children can also copy their parents' negative behaviors and moods. This problem, which immediately comes to mind when talking about pre-child psychological problems, should definitely be resolved before having a child. Let's give you a very simple parenting tip; Your happiness will make your child happy.

9 August 2020