Qadin.NET / 7 signs of infertility in women

7 signs of infertility in women

If a man and a woman have sexual intercourse regularly for 1-2 years and no contraceptive is used, but the pregnancy does not occur, such a couple is considered infertile. Infertility can be caused by both parties. But how can you tell if a woman is infertile?
Turkish gynecologist and artificial insemination specialist Betül Görgen gave important information to women about when to see a doctor.

Not being able to get pregnant
If it is not possible for a woman to become pregnant for some time, this is one of the first signs of infertility. After a year, the doctor can diagnose infertility. In addition, the inability of a 35-year-old woman to conceive for 6 months indicates infertility.
Severe and painful menstrual period
A heavy or painful menstrual period can affect fertilization and indicate that there is a hidden problem inside. While some women experience normal bleeding for a few days during menstruation, others may experience severe and painful cramps on a regular basis. In people with this problem, endometriosis may develop in the lower abdomen, similar to the uterine mucosa outside the uterus, and spread to various organs. This is a risk factor for infertility.
Pain in sex
Sexual pain or dysplasia can be a sign of a health problem that can affect a woman's fertility. Infections, endometriosis and fibroids are examples of such health problems.

Dark or frozen blood color
If your menstrual blood is colder than normal, this may be an alarm. The blood turns bright red in the first days, then may darken. However, the dark and cold blood seen in the first days indicates endometriosis.
Irregular menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle in women changes over time. However, many women go through this stage regularly. The time between each period is approximately the same. An irregular menstrual cycle indicates that ovulation does not occur regularly. This will lead to infertility. Ovulation means releasing an egg into the uterus. Irregular ovulation can be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, obesity and thyroid problems.
Hormonal disorders
Symptoms of hormonal changes are not specific. The woman may not feel it and may not see the reason behind it. However, it is possible for a doctor to detect hormonal problems as a result of tests.
Obesity has a negative effect on fertility. Women with this problem have a lower chance of becoming pregnant and are at risk of gaining weight during pregnancy.

20 July 2020