Qadin.NET / 4 conditions that cause insomnia during pregnancy

4 conditions that cause insomnia during pregnancy

There is an increase in back and back pain with the relaxin hormone secreted to make room for your growing baby during pregnancy. While sleeping, lying on the left and putting a pillow between your legs and also putting a pillow on your back to support your waist can relax you.

Indigestion, bitter water in the mouth and heartburn are common during pregnancy due to the slowdown of the digestive system and the pressure of the baby as it grows. In order to reduce these, it can be tried to eat more frequently by reducing the portions, avoiding fatty and spicy foods, not eating late at night, sleeping at least 2 hours after eating, increasing the number of pillows.

During pregnancy, their hunger sugar is lower than the previous period, so they get hungry more often. Frequent consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods shortens this hunger period even more. For this reason, instead of carbohydrates, white bread, rice, pasta and desserts with sherbet, the intake of protein-rich foods can make you feel less hungry. In addition to all these precautions, regular exercise at least 3 times a week, taking a shower a few hours before sleep, not sleeping long during the day, drinking linden or warm milk will help you sleep.

Fatigue, one of the common complaints seen in pregnant women, is manifested by the increase in pregnancy hormone and may be exacerbated by insomnia. To cope with fatigue, exercising at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes, consuming small portions at frequent intervals, decreasing carbohydrates by increasing the amount of protein in the diet, drinking plenty of water, taking short naps during the day and thinking positive will help you.

20 September 2020