Qadin.NET / 4 tips for teaching children a foreign language

4 tips for teaching children a foreign language

Set goals
Childhood is the best time to learn a foreign language. With the right goals to be determined in this period and small steps to be taken, your child will reach his goal when he reaches adolescence. So set a clear goal for your child's foreign language development. Be aware that it is not possible to master a foreign language in a scattered way without setting goals. Also remember that not setting goals will not motivate both you and your child.

1 word every day
Remember that 1 new word you teach your child every day will lead to learning 30 new words a month and 365+ new words a year. Think long term, not short. Also, every time your child learns a new word, teach that word in English. For example, your child learned the word "tea" that day, teach him the word "tea" the same day.

Create the appropriate environment
Create a comfortable environment where your child will be exposed to foreign language. Choose programs or channels in that language if you want to teach what language you want to teach while watching TV. Instruct him to watch these channels. An alternative to television for most of the children today is Youtube. Have your child search for videos with foreign words they know. In short, create a fiction for dealing with a foreign language in every aspect of your life.

Be patient and repeat constantly
Repetition is very important in language learning. It is also natural that learning a foreign language takes time. There will be times when your child will lose their motivation, be affected by new things in their life and stop learning foreign languages. During such periods, be patient. Keep your motivation high at all times. Remember that if you lose your motivation, it will be difficult for your child to start over again.

6 August 2020