Qadin.NET / Traumatic mistakes in child education

Traumatic mistakes in child education

"Do not raise your children alone"
Stating that one of the most important factors that leave traumatic effects on children is that the child grows up alone, without siblings and friends, Yanık said, “A child being alone and separated from other children is a risk factor. This is one of the effects that can cause toxic and toxic effects to the child's mind. "Raising the child in a place away from the mother or father may cause emotional disconnection and alienation between the mother and father of the child."

"Don't compare with other kids"
Saying that there is nothing as dangerous as comparing children in the world, Yanık said, "Comparing children with each other or comparing spouses with each other has sulfuric acid effect and negatively affects the relationship. "We, psychiatrists, have a higher chance of helping us at that critical moment. If the relationships are insecure, the child does not tell and the bad issue goes on."

"Even if time passes, it is not forgotten"
Emphasizing that when mothers and fathers, who normally devote everything to their children, cannot control their anger and inflict violence on their children, it will remain as a great traumatic memory in the mental world of children and said: "If something is very important in the child's world, give importance to it. The memories with the fathers are more special. For example, the child who witnessed the violence of the mother feels as if the procedure was done to him. For this reason, some children are always in fear. They have uncertainty about where the beating will come from.

6 September 2020