Qadin.NET / What should be the nutrition of children under 5 years of age?

What should be the nutrition of children under 5 years of age?

Nutrition between the ages of 1-2
There are 4 basic food groups in nutrition between the ages of 1-2. Meat, milk, cereal, vegetable and fruit group. Make sure that they consume the foods in these groups in a balanced and sufficient manner at each meal. Since there is difficulty in consuming vegetables especially in this age group, be patient, repeat the vegetables they do not like in different varieties, with various decorations, on different days. Don't make the dining table a scary place for your child. Since your child will take you as an example, consume vegetables with him. Do not insist on the consumption of cheese for a child who consumes yogurt or milk from the milk group well. The important point here is the necessity of a balanced diet from all groups.

After 2 years
The most important issue in nutrition after the age of 2; to teach the child to eat healthy. Have regular mealtimes and determine the appropriate portion size for your child's age. Never use food as a reward or punishment. Be pleasant at the dinner table and avoid oppressive and negative words. Make sure that snacks are finished 2 hours before the main meal. Do not try to feed your child when he is very sleepy. Be creative with the foods you prepare, present them in a way that will appeal to your child. Above all, set a good example in the right and healthy diet.

5 years and older
Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Rahmi Tuna Tekin emphasizes that increasing the physical activity levels of children in this age group as well as healthy nutrition is very important for their social, mental and physical development. He says that it is important to eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks a day over the age of 5. "You must set an example for them to stay away from sodas and junk food," he says.

12 September 2020