Qadin.NET / Recommendations for your baby to fall asleep comfortably

Recommendations for your baby to fall asleep comfortably

Find the moment when your dream comes
They calm down when the baby falls asleep, you need to understand that moment and put the baby in the crib.

Be regular
Babies become more aware of their surroundings when they are about 2 months old, and it is important to create an ideal sleep pattern at the same time and place every day and every night.

Sleep well
Your baby is in the crib and will fall asleep quickly if he is comfortable. If the baby has difficulty sleeping, place the crib in your room so that the baby feels comfortable and in a safe place.

Avoid eye contact at night
Mothers who breastfeed their babies early should avoid eye contact. Looking into a baby's eyes increases the heart rate. The baby loses sleep and has difficulty sleeping again.

15 July 2020