Qadin.NET / Are wireless headphones dangerous?

Are wireless headphones dangerous?

Wireless headphones, like other similar devices, emit non-ionizing radiation. There is no clear evidence of their adverse health effects or safety. According to Prime, this was stated by the head of the Center for Digital Expertise "Roskachestvo" Anton Kukanov. According to him, consumers are usually concerned about the fact that wireless headphones transmit radiation as close as possible. "Here you have to understand that it is several times less than mobile phones.
Therefore, wireless headphones are theoretically less risky, "said the expert. According to him, experts from the US consumer organization Consumer Reports even claim that one of the ways to reduce the potential risk of mobile phones is to use headphones (even wireless). For those who fear that wireless devices can be harmful to their health, Kukanov recommends limiting the use of such headphones - do not walk with them during the day and do not sleep with them. "Also, keep in mind that loud noise can have a negative effect on hearing, especially when the headphones are used for a long time. In this case, the auditory sensory cells are damaged, which can lead to hearing loss. To prevent this, such headphones should not be used more than three hours a day (maximum two hours continuously), and the sound should not be loud, "concluded Kukanov.
7 January 2021