Qadin.NET / Why "penguin" bags are banned in Azerbaijan? - OFFICIAL STATEMENT

Why "penguin" bags are banned in Azerbaijan? - OFFICIAL STATEMENT

"As you know, in February 2019, the President signed an Action Plan to reduce the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment. The Action Plan includes a gradual reduction in the use of plastic, the abandonment of disposable plastic containers, and the promotion and use of alternatives. In this regard, the Ministry submitted proposals to ban the use of polyethylene bags up to 15 microns, as well as disposable plastic containers, which were approved by the decree of the President on December 30 after the approval stage with all relevant agencies. The statement came from Sayyara Mammadova, head of the Department of Environmental Awareness and Public Relations, at an online meeting organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources to ban the sale and distribution of polyethylene bags up to 15 microns thick in public catering and service facilities. .
According to him, the ban on bags up to 15 microns in force came into force on January 1: Such bags include the so-called "penguin" bags that we often use in the home, and thin bags like them. "Why are such bags banned?" As for the question, they are not suitable for recycling, but because they are thinner and lighter, they spread to areas with wind and pollute water bodies, rivers, lakes and soil. It decomposes into particles without decaying for hundreds of years and mixes with water and soil. Causes the destruction of animals and birds. At the same time, such bags, you know, are used to store more food. With changes in temperature, heat, cold, toxic substances mix with food and become a source of danger to our health. "It is often asked why other bags are not banned and no action is taken against them. In the world practice, the fight against plastic waste is carried out in stages.
We started this process with enlightenment. For about two years, international experiences were shared through the media, social networks, types of plastic, whether they are recyclable, damage to the body and the environment, sorting habits, attention to plastic containers, various posters, videos. Various meetings, trainings, projects, competitions were organized with children, youth, producers, recycling companies, representatives of local executive bodies, market sales and marketing specialists, volunteers, NGO representatives. People who were previously unaware of plastic and its harms are now interested in reducing it and using alternatives. Alternatives are paper, biodegradable bags and packaging, fabric, straw bags. There are a variety of alternatives to suit every budget. By using the product we throw away for 15-20 minutes on average, we harm the health of ourselves, our children and future generations. Let's do our best to have a healthy future together, "he said.
7 January 2021