Qadin.NET / The chaos ends on February 5, but like yeast ... - FORECAST 2021

The chaos ends on February 5, but like yeast ... - FORECAST 2021

The famous Russian psychic Alexander Litvin spoke about the pandemic and the economic situation in his forecasts for 2021. The psychic called the next year a year of recovery from chaos, Qadin.Net reports citing
"The nature cycle will be disrupted next year. This is also said in the ancient Eclectic. It was noted that the previous year was a period of chaos. Since 2020 is a year of field breakdowns, diseases, according to the law, next year will be a year of healing and recovery. This is a year of not only physical but also spiritual healing. The chaos will end, and humanity will enter a period of deep cleansing, creation and reconstruction. People have gained experience of chaos, they have gained experience. We now know how true discipline should be.
We will gradually restore all the values ​​lost in the past 2 years, we will know the value more deeply. The pandemic was not just a virus and a disease. It was biotherapy. Viral oncologists prescribe chemotherapy to cancer patients.
At first glance, it is heavy, harmful, toxic to the body, but also a drug. The point is that the patient's survival depends on how much strength he has left. Today, patients are not only infected, but all of humanity. February 5, 2021 marks the beginning of the year after the chaos. Until this period, the biotherapy of the earth's population will continue. After February, there will be relative calm, everything will start to decline, but the damage of the pandemic will be felt like yeast. But the Earth will no longer be in chaos. The period of recovery is coming.
Many will say yes, the vaccines have been successful, the vaccine has reduced the virus. But this simply means the end of separation, biotherapy. The rest is an excuse. The main global goal and purpose of this pandemic was to change the genetics of the human population. There is almost no old organism left without the virus. It did not touch only one category: children.
The coronavirus infects people who make many karmic mistakes and sins for 4 generations. The children were given time because they still had time to correct these mistakes. Nature was kind to them. 2021 is the year of labor It takes years of hard work, building, creating, and sweating. There will be no laziness. You need to stay away from alcohol this year. If in the year of chaos drinking was necessary against depression, this year the means of combating depression should be work and labor. Whoever, after a year of chaos, puts his surroundings, himself, his work, his house on the stage and his head is busy only with work, his work will be rewarded.
30 December 2020