Qadin.NET / STATEMENT from Çavuşoğlu on Karabakh

STATEMENT from Çavuşoğlu on Karabakh

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu told reporters about his country's foreign policy in 2020. Touching upon the Karabakh issue, he said that one of the most important issues of 2020 is Nagorno-Karabakh. "It's a historic step forward," he said. As 30 years of negotiations did not yield any results, Azerbaijan withdrew its right on the battlefield. We, as the Turkish state and the Turkish nation, supported them not only because they are our brothers, but also because they are right.
We will continue to support Azerbaijan during this period, including the reconstruction of the liberated territories, the opening of the Nakhchivan corridor, the return of our IDP brothers who have been separated from their villages for nearly 30 years, and the monitoring of negotiations at the international level. He said that the Joint Control Center with Russia is starting to operate:
"Our soldiers went to Azerbaijan. We also talked about this with Lavrov in Sochi yesterday. If this period goes normally, if Armenia observes the ceasefire, if it respects the integrity of not only Azerbaijan, but also the lands of its neighbors, relations will improve. You probably remember Mr. Ilham Aliyev's statements on this subject. You have heard Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements on this. " Cavusoglu noted that Armenia and the Armenian people will benefit the most from this normalization. Therefore, we expect Armenia to act with this in mind in the future.
30 December 2020