Qadin.NET / Credits of martyrs and wounded were written off - OFFICIAL

Credits of martyrs and wounded were written off - OFFICIAL

In accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Central Bank and the Association of Banks of Azerbaijan secured the cancellation of both principal and interest on 1,503 loans belonging to 830 martyrs from the martyrs included in the official list of the Ministry of Defense.

At the same time, 286 loans belonging to the families of our martyrs, 1,323 loans to wounded servicemen, 15 people killed and 9 civilians seriously injured were completely written off. Non-bank credit organizations were not left out of this process, and they also ensured the complete cancellation of loans for these groups.

The debts of the martyrs to the banks in the process of liquidation were not excluded. The issue of writing off these debt obligations will be discussed by the Board of Trustees of the Deposit Insurance Fund these days

22 December 2020