Qadin.NET / AzTV appeals to relatives of martyrs and veterans - PHOTO

AzTV appeals to relatives of martyrs and veterans - PHOTO

Azerbaijan Television appealed to the families of the martyrs and veterans of the Great Patriotic War and their relatives. According to AzTV, the channel tries not to ignore any of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To do this, they need the help of their families and relatives: "AzTV has been publishing materials about the war martyrs since the first days of their existence, and has been working to introduce the heroes and their families to the society," he said.

We have not neglected our veterans either. We have repeatedly given reports from the hospitals where they are hospitalized, and broadcast stories about themselves and their families. AzTV considers the main task to prepare a story about each martyr and veteran. Several reports on them are broadcast on AzTV Khabar and socio-political, social and military programs.

Dear families of martyrs! If you want your heroic son to be known by all the people of Azerbaijan, contact us. Let our team prepare stories about your family, as well as the life of our martyr, let's introduce the heroes of the Great Patriotic War together. Veterans of the 44-day war, we have not forgotten you! If you want everyone to be aware of your heroism and bravery in the war, please contact AzTV. Please send a message to the number provided for application: (+994) 50 408-83-90. In the message, please indicate the name, surname, address and contact number of the martyr or veteran. ”

AzTV appeals to relatives of martyrs and veterans - PHOTO
15 December 2020