Qadin.NET / Working hours in the private sector may be reduced - VIDEO

Working hours in the private sector may be reduced - VIDEO

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Azerbaijan, it is proposed to reduce working hours and the absolute majority of employees will work online. Experts believe that this proposal will help reduce the density in the workplace and reduce the number of infections. ARB TV's "Guna Dogru" program aired a detailed story on the issue.
The program covers the views of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine Yazgul Abdiyeva. He noted: "All workplaces should work from 9 am to 6 pm, not 9 hours, but at least 5-6 hours a day.
This will allow employees to take turns coming to work, reducing the number of employees who are in the same room and have to be in contact with each other on a daily basis. He said that working too much during the day lowers a person's immunity: "For those who work long hours, stress can be the first factor that lowers immunity. Decreased immunity makes people more susceptible to the virus. Reducing working hours can also reduce the number of people and cars in the city.
BNA spokesman Mais Agayev said: "If the step-by-step mode is applied, the density observed during the peak hours in the evening and morning will be reduced by about 15-20 percent. This is a very important indicator. " It should be noted that the Operations Headquarters has reduced the number of employees in government agencies by 30 percent. It is recommended to apply the same rule in the private sector. Chief infectious disease specialist Tayyar Eyvazov said: "In addition, it is recommended to work as far as possible. All these measures are aimed at achieving the same result. That is, in any case, the measures taken reduce these contacts, the density, which will lead to a reduction in infection. It should be noted that the practice of changing the work schedule in special cases, reducing working hours also exists in the world.

11 December 2020