Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 66,855,796 people worldwide.The virus killed 1,534,553 patients and cured 46,241,275.Coronavirus was detected in 18,276,490 in Europe, 17,389,208 in Asia, 17,386,397 in North America, 11,494,237 in South America and 2,263,118 in Africa.
The top five countries in terms of the number of cases are the United States (14,983,425), India (9,644,529), Brazil (6,577,177), Russia (2,431,731) and France (2,281,471).Coronavirus was detected in 1,028,986 people in Iran, 797,893 in Turkey, 158,154 in Georgia and 140,959 in Armenia.Of the 142,323 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 1,593 died and 85,980 were cured.
6 December 2020