Qadin.NET / Erdogan: "The sky of Nagorno-Karabakh is no longer decorated with rags, but with crescents and stars" - VIDEO

Erdogan: "The sky of Nagorno-Karabakh is no longer decorated with rags, but with crescents and stars" - VIDEO

"In the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, we have shown a character worthy of our nation. When the Armenians attacked the Azerbaijani lands, we ran to the aid of our brothers with all our hearts and abilities. The statement came from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Haber Global reports. "By doing what our common history, culture, faith and language demanded, we have contributed to the liberation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other occupied Azerbaijani lands.
With its position on Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey also got rid of the embarrassment inflicted on our nation by the CHP in the Boraltan tragedy. As a result of the struggles of our Azerbaijani brothers, thankfully, today the sky of Karabakh is no longer decorated with pieces of cloth, but with crescents and stars. The Azerbaijani flag is proudly waved in Nagorno-Karabakh as a symbol of the heroism of our martyrs. Hopefully, with the opening of the corridor between Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan, we will have a direct land connection with our brothers. After 30 years of occupation, Azerbaijan is justifiably happy to be reunited with its lands.
The victory in Karabakh is halal to Azerbaijan from the point of view of international law, diplomacy and the military, like the white milk of its mother. I want to emphasize once again that Azerbaijan has not touched anyone's land, has not attacked anyone, and despite the decisions of the UN and the OSCE, has liberated its lands that have been occupied for 30 years. Like the Armenians, he did this not by targeting civilians and settlements, but by remaining within the law.
In this case, the co-chair of the Minsk Group is a complete disaster, in addition to the scandal in the French parliament. As my brother Ilham Aliyev said, if France loves Armenians so much, it can give them Marseilles from their lands. However, no state has the right to infringe on the sovereign rights of another in this way. "With this decision, France, which has a similar approach everywhere, from Syria to Libya, has proved that it is no longer a solution, but part of the problem, and can not act with an objective approach anywhere," Erdogan said.
5 December 2020