Qadin.NET / Footage of Armenian dialogue with Azerbaijani soldier spread - VIDEO WITHOUT COMMENTS

Footage of Armenian dialogue with Azerbaijani soldier spread - VIDEO WITHOUT COMMENTS

Images of a dialogue between an Armenian and an Azerbaijani, who were illegally settled in Karabakh and did not leave our territories despite the expiration of the extradition period, have been spread.
The footage was obtained by Baku TV. It is clear from the video that the Azerbaijani serviceman told the Armenians that they burned our villages. In response, the Armenian said that he was not involved in this case, it was "the work of adults." Our serviceman's answer is very appropriate:
"You have killed all our villagers and set fire to our houses. In addition to being an enemy, you are an Armenian. You have always created a problem for us. Like your son, your nephew, he wounded and killed our soldiers. Don't call me brother, you won't be my brother. You are Armenian. We have given you a chance, pack up and go. "

2 December 2020