Qadin.NET / FRANCE-24 about Aghdam: "Sometimes it is called" Hiroshima of the Caucasus "" - VIDEO

FRANCE-24 about Aghdam: "Sometimes it is called" Hiroshima of the Caucasus "" - VIDEO

According to the agreement signed between Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia, which ended the conflict, on December 1, the Armenian armed forces will hand over the Lachin region to Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan will have taken back all seven regions surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh.

Here is an interview with FRANCE 24 special correspondents Ludovic de Foucault, Catherine Norestrent and Hussein Assad from Agdam, one of these regions: The city was so devastated that it is sometimes called the "Hiroshima of the Caucasus." Agdam, with a population of 40,000 in the late 1980s, is today a "city of spirits." Aghdam has always been an Azerbaijani fortress.

Today, the only surviving building in Agdam is a mosque. This city was of great strategic importance during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War 30 years ago. The occupation of this city in 1993 was the turning point of the war. The defeat forced residents to flee. Today, IDPs return to their dogmatic homes and see destroyed buildings. The report also includes the views of a member of the New Azerbaijan Party M. Gasimov: “Is it possible to build such a city today? Is it possible to demolish these houses? If you saw the past of these houses, you would see that the most modern houses, the best built houses were only in Aghdam.

They knew they would not live here. They did not have the confidence to stay here. Because it was not possible to stay. That's why they destroyed everything they could get their hands on. " Safety must be ensured before it can be restored. Like other regions liberated by the Azerbaijani Army, the territory of Agdam is full of mines. Authorities have also launched a remote-controlled demining robot. Idris Ismayilov, the head of ANAMA's operational headquarters, said: “About 4,500 anti-personnel mines, about 2,000 anti-tank mines and about 750 different types of bombs were found and neutralized. The return of people is planned in 3-5 years, but a complete cleanup is planned in 10, 13, 15 years. The Azerbaijani government has estimated the damage in the liberated territories at more than $ 100 billion and will appeal to the courts for compensation from Armenia

28 November 2020