Qadin.NET / It will be difficult for the White House to change the balance of forces in Karabakh - INTERVIEW

It will be difficult for the White House to change the balance of forces in Karabakh - INTERVIEW

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in a statement that the Minsk Group countries have a great responsibility to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He said the UN had instructed France, Russia and the United States to monitor compliance with the commitments made by the conflicting parties. Interestingly, Le Drian specifically noted that Armenia wanted them to maintain these commitments. "All this requires us to take a balanced position," said Le Drian.
By the way, the peace agreement was signed without the OSCE Minsk Group, and perhaps even against their will. Then why is his role re-activated now? Who benefits from this? The statements came from Yerevan and Paris, and with less activity from the United States. In an interview with Media.Az, Grigory Trofimchuk, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Eurasian Ideas Workshop Foundation, said that many observers call the ending war the "Second Karabakh War" and it is clear why they call it a war: "The name automatically means that the conflict will continue, which we would not want," he said. For this, we will have to make serious efforts not only diplomatically, but also in the field of information, and I would pay special attention to the last point I mentioned. Therefore, the end of the war will not come with a temporary agreement, but with a lasting peace document. " According to our interlocutor, the main question is who will deal with this strategic issue: "Apparently, the 2x2 format satisfies the regional participants of the events:
Armenia-Russia and Turkey-Azerbaijan. However, not everyone is interested in removing the OSCE Minsk Group format from the list. It is clear that the OSCE Minsk Group not only did not prevent the war, but was obliged to do so due to its status, but is responsible for the victims of 2016 and 2020. At the same time, the Armenian-Russian duo is ready to continue working with the OSCE Minsk Group, and there is no need to talk about the UN, which has not announced a radical change in its format. "I would like to remind your readers that I was one of the first experts to say long before September 27 that the OSCE Minsk Group has exhausted itself and is unable to fulfill its functions. Now it has become commonplace, and the Minsk Group co-chairs have been forced to listen. It should also be noted that the United States has not yet voiced its opinion on the change in the White House. This opinion may contradict the views of the direct participants in the events, "Trofimchuk said.
At the same time, according to the expert, it will be difficult for the White House to change the balance of forces in Karabakh. Because it is difficult to return to reality. It should also be borne in mind that Western countries such as the United States and France have a precautionary measure to recognize the "sovereignty of Karabakh" - or rather, the territories still officially under the control of Russia and Armenia. "NATO's position is not clear. I envisage the participation of this organization in the process of further suppression of Iran, which is closely following the events. Against the background of such an equation, Baku has a chance to be ahead of time, including its attitude to the OSCE Minsk Group. But as I said, the main area of ​​activity is information policy. Moreover, as President Ilham Aliyev himself said, the military phase of the campaign is over, "Trofimchuk said.
26 November 2020