Qadin.NET / The Press Council appealed to the Russian media regarding the author of the WarGonzo project

The Press Council appealed to the Russian media regarding the author of the WarGonzo project

The Press Council of Azerbaijan has addressed an appeal to the Russian media regarding Semyon Pegov, the author of the WarGonzo project. The appeal says: "The existence of an environment where freedom of speech and information is protected and citizens are free to express their views is an important indicator of democracy. In the independent Republic of Azerbaijan, this is accepted both legally and practically. In our country, the attitude to freedom of speech and expression, along with legal requirements. Such issues are of fundamental importance in the Russian Federation, which is distinguished by its advanced journalistic traditions. However, there are a number of points that surprise us, and our appeal is related to one of them. Vladimirovich is from Pegov, or rather from the activities of this person. The Azerbaijani public, including the media community, recognizes that it is natural for there to be differences of opinion on a problem such as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which is currently the focus of worldwide attention. So far, we have seen many journalistic articles and reports that we consider unfair. Although we do not objectively evaluate such approaches, which have obvious political motives, we believe that it is normal for everyone not to think the way we think. However, Semyon Pegov's approach to the issue exceeds all criteria and norms related to differences of opinion. In addition to operating in Nagorno-Karabakh in violation of Azerbaijani law, he openly calls for the disintegration of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, incitement to national hostility and enmity with the help of his Internet resource, and questions the accuracy of the information spread by Azerbaijani authorities. Such an approach generally overshadows initiatives aimed at ensuring lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus region. Let us also consider that the Russian state is making a serious effort to achieve the peace and stability that this person is trying to disrupt, and is setting out its mediation mission with concrete work. We also see that Semyon Pegov's one-sided position, provocative thoughts, which are not based on any real facts, are spread in the influential Russian media.
This is deeply regrettable. We reiterate that the allegations he made, as well as the conditions created for him to express his views, cannot be considered an indicator of freedom of speech and expression, pluralism and objectivity. Note that Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan in terms of international law. In this case, the legitimate impression is that a man acting as a journalist, specifically Semyon Pegov, intends to rekindle hostility in a fairly sensitive region, opposing the optimal solution to the conflict reached today. His speculative position is dangerous. The Press Council of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani journalists call on the Russian media community and media outlets not to be indifferent to the unpleasant activities of Semyon Pegov under the guise of journalism.
We state that various segments of Russian society have enough serious resources and alternative sources to see the truth about Nagorno-Karabakh and draw the right conclusions. We would like to believe that if they want to seek justice, they will turn to these resources and sources, stay away from the views of Semyon Pegov and others like him for specific political purposes, and increase public criticism of them. We are convinced that the principledness and determination in this matter is both to prevent the abuse of freedom of speech and expression, and an important contribution to a fair approach to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and peace and security in the South Caucasus as a whole. This determination and principledness is also a purposeful joint support aimed at eliminating other harmful tendencies in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We, as Azerbaijani journalists, call on the progressive media community of Russia and the media to show solidarity in this direction. "
24 November 2020