Qadin.NET / Ilham Aliyev: "Dear former refugees, you are not a refugee, you are returning"

Ilham Aliyev: "Dear former refugees, you are not a refugee, you are returning"

"Dear former IDPs, you are no longer IDPs. I address them in the presence of our heroic soldiers and officers: You are not an IDP, you are returning. We will bring you back. " The statement came from President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev during a meeting with servicemen being treated at the Clinical Medical Center No. 1. Ilham Aliyev said that those sitting here, thousands of our soldiers and officers are returning you to your native lands:
"We, the Azerbaijani state, will do our best to return you as soon as possible. First of all, of course, security measures must be taken. The hated enemy has planted mines almost everywhere in those areas. Now the demining process must begin. We will now involve international organizations. Because we have limited internal capacity to do so in a short time. First of all, security, then infrastructure, then all other recovery issues will be resolved. At the same time, as you know, during these 44 days, the enemy wanted to take the pain of its defeat from the civilians. As a result, 93 civilians were killed, more than 400 civilians were injured, and more than 3,000 buildings were either destroyed, burned, or damaged. I have already instructed, groups are sent to the regions, the damage is calculated. All the destroyed houses will be rebuilt at the expense of the state, all the damaged houses will be restored by the state. The lost property of our citizens will be restored, lost pets will be given to citizens. That is, our citizens can be sure that all their lost property will be restored. I promise that the houses to be built for them will be better, better and more spacious than the previous ones. We will do it. For us, the welfare and security of our people is the first issue. But during this period, the most important issue for me was the return of our lands, the restoration of our territorial integrity, the raising of our flag in Shusha, the raising of our flag in all other occupied lands. We have achieved this! ”
11 November 2020