Qadin.NET / Supreme Commander-in-Chief: "Orders and medals will be awarded to those who distinguished themselves in the Great Patriotic War"

Supreme Commander-in-Chief: "Orders and medals will be awarded to those who distinguished themselves in the Great Patriotic War"

"The problems of the families of martyrs will be solved. We have almost solved the domestic problems of most of the families of our martyrs standing in line. The statement came from President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev during a meeting with servicemen being treated at the Clinical Medical Center No. 1. The head of state said that a new era is beginning in our lives:
"This period will ensure a happy future for our country. A new era begins in your life. You are injured. But know that we will heal you. We will bring back to life our most severely wounded servicemen. Our doctors now work around the clock. All necessary measures will be taken to return to normal life. As you know, modern prostheses are brought for our servicemen who lost their hands, arms and legs in the First Karabakh War under the personal initiative and control of Mehriban Aliyeva. Prostheses that people can use to play football. All this will be provided. You can be sure. Regarding your future life, I appeal to all government agencies and private companies from the very beginning, stating that special steps will be taken to provide jobs for our servicemen, our heroic and wounded servicemen. We will always take this into account. " The President said that this year 1,500 families of martyrs will be provided with houses and apartments by the state:
"Today, I instruct all our relevant agencies to provide financial support to the relatives of those killed in the Second Karabakh War, the so-called Patriotic War, as soon as possible, and now they are being registered. After accurate registration, they will be provided with apartments and houses. During all these 44 days, before and after it, I will reward our servicemen who have shown heroism on the battlefield, in the rear. Relevant instructions have already been given. I have already instructed and I want to declare before you that new orders and medals will be established in Azerbaijan. These orders and medals will be awarded to servicemen and civilians who distinguished themselves in the Great Patriotic War. I also suggested the names of these orders and medals. I think that you and the Azerbaijani people will like these names. "
11 November 2020