Qadin.NET / The names of the countries of which the mercenaries fighting on the Armenian side are citizens have been announced

The names of the countries of which the mercenaries fighting on the Armenian side are citizens have been announced

The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan Kamran Aliyev has sent an official letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, Kamran Aliyev said that in violation of human rights and international humanitarian law by Armenia, as well as the provisions of the UN Conventions, the Armenian military-political leadership and the Armenian Diaspora detained "volunteers" of Armenian origin. It was decided to invite and finance them to take part in hostilities in the region.
It was also noted that the establishment of illegal armed formations and groups is considered a criminal offense in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as in the legislation of many foreign countries. In this regard, the names and surnames of some mercenaries who took part in the military operations against the Republic of Azerbaijan by Armenia alone or in groups, and the list of countries of which they are citizens have been announced. Thus, French citizens - Arthur Ohanisyan, a member of the terrorist organization ASALA Gilbert Minasyan (along with 15 people whose names are unknown to the investigation); Mark de Kakkerei-Valmenir, leader of the extremist group Zouaves Paris; Vahagn Chakhalyan, a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Harmik Hovsepiyan, a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sergei Valeryevich Serov, a citizen of Belarus, Arushan Badasyan, a citizen of the United States, and others, who have already been deprived of Georgian citizenship, have been involved in hostilities. Also, during the inspection of the territories liberated from the Armenian occupation, signs were found on the two bodies, proving the ethnic origin of the mercenaries, and these and other facts once again confirmed the participation of the mercenaries.
The Prosecutor General's Office has launched criminal proceedings under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, and an investigation is under way. At the same time, the Prosecutor General stressed the deliberate targeting of our civilian population by the Armenian armed forces and the use of banned phosphorus bombs. It was also noted that SCUD and Smerch missiles have been used so far not only on the battlefield, but also against civilians, and these facts have been documented by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Was described as "cruel and unthinkable." On November 7, 16-year-old Shahmali Rahimov was killed in another shelling in Barda region, bringing the death toll to 93. It was noted that Armenia fired on Tartar, Agjabadi and Goranboy regions, both on the battlefield and outside the conflict zone, at different times, using banned and extremely dangerous phosphorus bombs five times. The Prosecutor General requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to include these facts in future statements and reports, and to take action against the Armenian leadership in connection with the crimes committed, by providing detailed photos and videos proving these cases.
10 November 2020