Qadin.NET / Sergey Lavrov on settlement of Karabakh conflict: "We will work together with our Turkish partners"

Sergey Lavrov on settlement of Karabakh conflict: "We will work together with our Turkish partners"

There are many proposals on the format of negotiations, including its expansion, changes, etc. The issue was also discussed at a meeting of Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers in Moscow. The statement came from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with Kommersant. "We do not hide the fact that we do not support the position of a possible military solution to the problem. Looking at both the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples as friendly and brotherly, we cannot share such views. The presidents of Russia, the United States and France have spoken only in favor of a political settlement.

"These three co-chairs are a well-known mediation format for resolving the conflict," Lavrov said. Lavrov said that Russia is committed to working with all partners to resolve the problem, including with neighboring countries. "The Russian Foreign Minister also answered a question about the positive attitude of Russian officials to Ankara's policy.

Moscow and Ankara are partners who are able to take a flexible, pragmatic approach and guide each other's strategic vision in their interactions. Russia and Turkey are working hard to resolve crises in various regions. Our interaction in Syria remains a clear result of business-to-business cooperation between Russian and Turkish diplomats, military and special services. Today, together with Iran, we have managed to create the most appropriate regulatory mechanism - the Astana format. Joint Russian-Turkish patrols have been set up in troubled areas such as Idlib and the Euphrates, efforts are being made to neutralize terrorist groups, and the necessary conditions are being created for the return of Syrian refugees. Using the levers of influence in Tripoli, Tobruk and other power centers in Libya, our countries are helping to overcome the protracted crisis under the auspices of the United Nations and to create conditions for a comprehensive dialogue within Libya. The situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is radically different, as I said in part in response to previous questions. I repeat: we have not hidden and do not hide that we do not support the solution of the problem by force, we are working for the speedy completion of military operations. It is important that both the parties and all their foreign partners strictly adhere to the ceasefire agreements, the establishment of a control mechanism and the resumption of the negotiation process with a specific schedule. "Although a lasting ceasefire is not possible immediately, we will continue to use all our influence in the region, work with our Turkish partners to stop the further development of the military scenario, establish a dialogue between the parties and persuade Baku and Yerevan to sit at the negotiating table," Lavrov said..

3 November 2020