Qadin.NET / Mercenary recruited by Armenia: "I started to see nightmares"

Mercenary recruited by Armenia: "I started to see nightmares"

Accelerated trainings are being held in Armenia for newcomers. Although these people from Western European countries call themselves volunteers, they are not citizens of Armenia and are considered mercenaries, Qafqazinfo reports quoting One of them is Agazi Asatryan, a German citizen:

"My German colleagues did not understand that a person could want to go to war. Everyone must fight for their country. I know our history well and understand that we Armenians would not have lived for so many centuries without this thinking. " It is already clear that there are women among the mercenaries. One of them, Knarik Karaminasyan, said: "At first it was difficult for me and I even started to have nightmares. But over time, you get used to everything new ... To be honest, now I feel better than sitting at home reading the news on Facebook and not knowing how to help. I'm here and I feel like I'm preparing for something and doing something important. " A report from Nagorno-Karabakh prepared by France24 TV channel clearly showed that a number of French citizens of Armenian origin were involved in the fighting in Karabakh. Sipan Muradyan, a 28-year-old French citizen, said in an interview with the TV channel that he came to Armenia from the beginning of the war and joined the fighting. According to the French newspaper Liberation, Gilbert Minasyan, a 64-year-old French citizen of Armenian descent and a member of the terrorist organization ASALA, is in Karabakh with mercenaries he brought with him from France to take part in the fighting. A few days ago, the well-known German newspaper Der Freitag published an article entitled "PKK mercenaries" and said that a large number of PKK terrorists were involved in the fighting from the Armenian side.

2 November 2020