Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

A total of 46,394,009 people were diagnosed with coronavirus worldwide.The virus killed 1,200,397 patients and cured 33,487,655 people.

The virus was detected in 13,680,851 people in Asia, 11,238,027 in North America, 9,963,768 in Europe, 9,677,657 in South America and 1,795,509 in Africa.The United States (9,402,590 people), India (8,184,082 people), Brazil (5,535,605 people), Russia (1,618,116 people), France (1,367,625 people), and Spain (1 million countries) are infected with the virus. 264,517 people), Argentina (1,166,924 people), Colombia (1,074,184 people) and the United Kingdom (1,011,660 people).612,772 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in Iran, 375,367 in Turkey, 89,813 in Armenia and 38,936 in Georgia.Of the 55,269 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 730 died and 43,543 recovered

1 November 2020