Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 45,347,550 people worldwide.The virus killed 1,186,388 patients and cured 32,995,820 people.The virus was detected in 13,502,303 people in Asia, 11,021,955 in North America, 9,581,861 in South America, 9,432,569 in Europe and 1,770,688 in Africa.The United States (9,212,767 people), India (8,088,851 people), Brazil (5,496,402 people), Russia (1,581,693 people), France (1,282,769 people), and Spain (1 million countries) have been infected with the virus. 238,922 people), Argentina (1,143,800 people) and Colombia (1,053,122 people).596,941 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in Iran, 370,832 in Turkey, 85,034 in Armenia and 35,567 in Georgia.Of the 53,152 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 708 died and 42,516 recovered

30 October 2020