Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 44,774,763 people worldwide.The virus killed 1,179,225 patients and cured 32,727,598 people.

The virus was detected in 13,409,096 people in Asia, 10,916,519 in North America, 9,523,740 in South America, 9,127,677 in Europe and 1,759,578 in Africa.The number of countries infected with the virus exceeds one million in the United States (9,038,030 people), India (7,990,322 people), Brazil (5,440,903 people), Russia (1,547,774 people), France (1,198,695 people), Spain (1 174,916 people), Argentina (1,116,609 people) and Colombia (1,033,218 people).

Coronavirus was detected in 588,648 people in Iran, 368,513 in Turkey, 82,651 in Armenia and 33,858 in Georgia.Of the 52,137 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 699 died and 42,033 were cured

29 October 2020