Qadin.NET / STRONG REACTION from the Foreign Ministry to the use of children by Armenians as soldiers

STRONG REACTION from the Foreign Ministry to the use of children by Armenians as soldiers

 "Recently, videos have been widely spread on social media showing Armenia using children as soldiers in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan."

The statement came from the Foreign Ministry's press service.

It was stated that hundreds of thousands of children in the Republic of Azerbaijan have been suffering from the constant aggression of Armenia and its long-term effects for about thirty years:

"However, it seems that Armenia continues to violate the rights of not only Azerbaijani children, but also does not hesitate to violate the rights of Armenian children.

By using children in military operations, Armenia violates the IV Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons and the Additional Protocol I, which states that "children must be the object of special respect and protected from all forms of indecent assault."

By such actions, Armenia is grossly violating the rights of the child enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, in particular Articles 1 and 2.

By using children as fighters, Armenia deprives them of their basic rights, especially the right to life and protection, because children can be military targets as fighters.

Presenting itself as one of the "defenders" of the Declaration on Safe Schools, Armenia does not even hesitate to use school buildings for military purposes, thus demonstrating its disrespect for the protection of future generations.

We strongly condemn the violation of children's rights by Armenia in clear disregard of international conventions and international humanitarian law obligations, and call on the relevant international organizations to thoroughly investigate this illegal practice and take necessary measures to stop the violation of children's rights by Armenia. "

27 October 2020