Qadin.NET / The Azerbaijani army fired at the enemy during the night

The Azerbaijani army fired at the enemy during the night

 On the night of October 10-11, the situation along the entire front was tense.
The statement came from the Defense Ministry.
It was stated that the Armenian armed forces, which did not comply with the humanitarian ceasefire, tried to attack in the direction of Hadrut and Jabrayil in small groups, concentrating manpower and military equipment in order to return the lost positions.
During the night, all attempts to attack the enemy were prevented by firing.
As a result of the activities of the Azerbaijani Army, a large number of enemy forces in different directions of the front, as well as 5 T-72 tanks, 6 D-20 and D-30 howitzers, 5 trucks loaded with ammunition, 11 other vehicles, 3 BM -21 Grad rocket launcher, 5 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers, 8 air defense systems and a radar station were destroyed and destroyed.

At present, our troops have an operational advantage along the entire front

11 October 2020