Qadin.NET / Maxim Shevchenko: "The shelling of Ganja is analogous to Hitler's activities!"

Maxim Shevchenko: "The shelling of Ganja is analogous to Hitler's activities!"

 As the Kremlin made clear the day before, Russia's commitment to Armenia in the CSTO does not apply to unrecognized Karabakh.
In addition, the Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Stanislav Zas said on October 8 that Azerbaijan will not strike at the territory of Armenia, will not threaten the territorial integrity of this country.
Will these statements make sense to Armenia, which must withdraw its troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan?
Media.Az discussed this with well-known Russian journalist and public figure Maxim Shevchenko.
- Of course, I would like to think that Yerevan will return to the negotiating table. In general, I would like to believe in the mind and consciousness of the Armenian side. But, unfortunately, the Armenian leadership is completely out of its mind. They repeatedly speak of some sacred rights given in "millennial history." At the same time, they call UN Security Council resolutions meaningless pieces of paper.
Unfortunately, fanatics base their ideas on reality, not on common sense and international law.
No peace talks with these leaders of Armenia, who are behind the war and will stand behind Karabakh, will be successful.
The only way to achieve peace is through the military operations of the Azerbaijani army, which liberated the occupied homeland.
Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made a new statement that "the expansion of military operations in the territory of Azerbaijan will not be ruled out." What is it calculated for? Internal audience?
No, it is not intended for an internal audience. This is an attempt to mobilize the Armenian lobby around the world. Of course, Yerevan wants the war to spread to Armenia.
They have two themes. The first is to present Azerbaijan's actions as a new "genocide." The second is to present the war as a "holy" war between Muslims and Christians. A group of Arab terrorists, Afghan mujahideen and other groups say they are allegedly fighting on the Azerbaijani side. Obviously, this is nonsense.
Armenia has violated all the international treaties, agreements and the framework of the peace process, which were created with such difficulty. Thus, it remains to resort to a kind of "holy war" like Hitler. In 1943-1944, he began to talk about "weapons of revenge" and the transfer of the war to England. He began bombing Britain with FAU-1 and FAU-2 missiles. All this was done for the purpose of terrorism, because it was clear that the German troops did not have the opportunity to reach the shores of Great Britain.
The shelling of Ganja is an analogue of Hitler's activities. Not every fanatic appeals to common sense, but to such actions. All reasonable proposals were made, and President Ilham Aliyev stressed the need for the withdrawal of Armenian troops and the subsequent cessation of hostilities. But Nicole Pashinyan does not hear anything.
It is clear that Pashkina has an obligation to someone, but not to the Armenian people. This war is not in the interests of Armenians who need peace, calm borders with Azerbaijan, trade, and Armenia's involvement in joint economic processes with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. But instead, the Armenian people are being held hostage by someone's interests. Meanwhile, Armenian billionaires are solving their problems. They approach Emmanuel Macron or someone else and say, "Our people are threatened by a new 'genocide,' let us make money." This is exactly how I see it.
However, the Azerbaijani leadership has never announced that it demands that the Armenians leave Karabakh. The Armenian armed forces are another matter.
President Heydar Aliyev said that Azerbaijan was ready to ensure the rights of the Armenian population in Karabakh. But to Azerbaijanis - I read it in many forums on the Internet - Armenians simply protest against the right to life. So, I repeat, you and I often waste time in Russia not with conscious people, but with fanatics.

9 October 2020