Qadin.NET / STATEMENT of support from the Jewish community to Azerbaijan

STATEMENT of support from the Jewish community to Azerbaijan

STATEMENT of support from the Jewish community to Azerbaijan
The Jewish community of Azerbaijan has sent a statement of support to Azerbaijan to Israelis and Jews around the world.

The statement said:

"Azerbaijan is a country with rich historical, cultural and multicultural values. Anyone who obeys the law, regardless of nationality or race, can live in peace and security in this country. We, the Jews of Azerbaijan, have been living here in peace and tranquility for almost 2,000 years. We can say with full confidence that the people of Azerbaijan are peace-loving, tolerant and committed to multiculturalism.

Our community consists of about 10,000 people. There are synagogues, Jewish schools and kindergartens in the country. Representatives of different nations live in an atmosphere of friendship and solidarity in our country. The Azerbaijani state is tolerant and hospitable to its citizens representing various minorities and to the people living and working in the country.

Unfortunately, the Armenian state, which has been occupying the territories of Azerbaijan for almost 30 years, does not want to give up provocations and periodically commits provocations against civilian and military facilities and citizens of Azerbaijan.

We regret to say that on September 27, 2020, at around 06:00, the Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire and intensively fired on the settlements in the frontline from large-scale artillery. This is another deliberate and planned provocation of the Armenian armed forces against the civilian population and facilities. As a result of the provocation of the Armenian armed forces, there are casualties among civilians and servicemen, and many houses and civilian objects were severely damaged.

We are particularly concerned about the number of schoolchildren and elderly people among the dead. Deliberate targeting of civilians is a gross violation of international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions. In the context of general debates at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly and the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the disrespect of the Armenian state to international law, the UN Charter and the international community is a matter of serious regret and concern. Armenia, which does not comply with UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884, as well as ignores the norms of international law, continues its provocative actions with aggression and gross violations of human rights, creating a more dangerous situation in the region. Strong condemnation calls for an immediate end to the Armenian aggression. We call on the Jews of the Azerbaijani community to exert all possible influence on Armenia to prevent provocations and liberate the occupied territories of Azerbaijan without delay, and to ensure the Armenian government's respect for international law and norms. "a

2 October 2020