Qadin.NET / Danger in our home

Danger in our home

Scientists at Stone Brook University in New York have studied the effects of light bulbs on the human body. The results of the study concluded that light bulbs are harmful to human health.
Researchers studied the effects of lamps on human skin. Scientists conducted research on two lamps.
On energy-saving lamps and ordinary lamps.
To study, they studied how the light from both lamps affects living tissue. It should be noted that no living people took part in the experiment.
The results of the experiment showed that the ultraviolet radiation of the light-saving lamp is harmful to the skin tissue. Studies have confirmed that energy-saving lamps are dangerous for the human body. The study confirmed that ordinary lamps do not pose a threat to skin tissue.
Scientists have also noted that energy-saving light bulbs can cause skin cancer. Marcia Simon, a dermatologist at Stoney Brook University, has even mentioned this in her articles. The more energy-saving light bulbs have on the skin, the more likely it is. the damage is just as much, he says.

29 September 2020