Qadin.NET / Mehriban Aliyeva: "May Almighty God grant every Azerbaijani the chance to kiss the sacred land of Karabakh!"

Mehriban Aliyeva: "May Almighty God grant every Azerbaijani the chance to kiss the sacred land of Karabakh!"

 The Azerbaijani state has never claimed someone else's lands and has never committed a crime against humanity. The Azerbaijani Army has not set foot on the lands of another state, it protects its homeland and fights for it!
First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva wrote these words on her Facebook account.
Mehriban Aliyeva noted:
"Armenia's next armed provocation has been answered! Defending its homeland, the Azerbaijani Army conducts a successful counter-offensive and liberates the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
I express my deep gratitude to all the people, organizations and states that have demonstrated their principled and just position in support of the state and people of Azerbaijan. First of all, I am grateful to the brotherly Turkish people and personally to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Their solidarity and moral support makes every Azerbaijani proud today.

I pray for the life and health of all soldiers and officers of Azerbaijan!

Today, we Azerbaijanis show unprecedented unity with our intentions, actions and prayers. May the Almighty God help the people of Azerbaijan in its sacred struggle!

May Almighty God grant every Azerbaijani to kiss the sacred land of Karabakh!

May God have mercy on our martyrs! Let their graves be filled with light! ”

29 September 2020