Qadin.NET / Azerbaijani embassy in Russia: "Dozens of our compatriots appealed to protect the homeland"

Azerbaijani embassy in Russia: "Dozens of our compatriots appealed to protect the homeland"

The Azerbaijani Embassy in the Russian Federation called on diaspora organizations to understand the current situation in connection with the escalation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as to act within the laws and norms of Russia.
According to Gadin.Net, this was reported by RIA Novosti.
According to the report, in just one day, the embassy received more than 50 appeals from our compatriots who want to protect their homeland.
The diplomatic mission expressed deep gratitude to its compatriots for their patriotism and stressed that the Azerbaijani Army is able to independently solve any task to liberate the occupied territories.
The embassy also blamed the Armenian military-political leadership for the current escalation of the situation.

The diplomatic mission expressed condolences to the families and relatives of the killed Azerbaijani servicemen and civilians.

28 September 2020