Qadin.NET / Five RECOMMENDATIONS for protection against coronavirus

Five RECOMMENDATIONS for protection against coronavirus

 With the advent of seasonal epidemics, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. In this case, the viruses are actively destroyed: they can not withstand hydraulic shock.
According to Gadin.Net, according to Sputnik, this was stated by Russian otolaryngologist Vladimir Zaytsev in his recommendations to protect against coronavirus at a time when the virus is growing.
According to him, in this sense, any river is effective.
In addition, the body must be provided with enough vitamin C. This vitamin is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, ginger and cabbage acid.
"In addition, fruits with vitamin C - lemon, lime, grapefruit can be added to tea. In this case, there will be a double benefit, "the doctor added.
He also recommended adding a certain amount of herbs to the diet:
"In addition to providing the body with vitamins, it will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract."
Zaytsev also stressed the importance of not ignoring the symptoms and consulting a doctor at the first signs of the disease:
"Do not be intolerant to the disease, it does not go away on its own. The doctor will help you, "he concluded.

29 September 2020