Qadin.NET / OFFICIAL STATEMENT from the Ministry regarding the losses of the enemy

OFFICIAL STATEMENT from the Ministry regarding the losses of the enemy

 "The information spread by the Armenian side about the Azerbaijani army has no basis and does not reflect the reality."
The statement came from Defense Ministry spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Anar Eyvazov, Gadin.Net reports.
He noted that several strategic heights around the village of Talysh have already been cleared of occupying forces:
"As always, the Armenian Defense Ministry hides its losses. According to our intelligence, 24 tanks and military equipment, eight artillery pieces, 18 anti-aircraft missiles, 15 anti-aircraft missile systems (OSA) were destroyed, and more than 550 people were killed. Some of the bodies among the enemy's casualties were found to have been brought from Syria.
He noted that today foreign military attachés accredited by the Defense Ministry in the Republic of Azerbaijan and representatives of international organizations in our country were informed about the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, the situation on the frontline, countermeasures and operational conditions.

28 September 2020